Skinny Light - 12 Sessions!

The Deal

50% off 12 sessions of SkinnyLight from Dr. Herbert Gessler, DC, PC in Mt. Lebanon!


The SkinnyLight is the highest-output photonic device on the market, configurable for multiple wavelengths of light to suit specific clinical applications.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red Light Therapy is a technology that has both cosmetic and healing effects. The word “healing” is defined as “the natural process by which the body repairs itself.” That is exactly what happens when the body is exposed to Red Light Therapy. We use a proprietary Red Light Therapy system called the “SkinnyLight.”

Where did Red Light technology come from?

NASA first developed this technology to grow plants in space, then later to treat wounds in space. Today, Red Light Therapy is being used throughout the medical field to heal patients and is used in salons around the world to rejuvenate the skin. NASA’s ongoing research on Red Light Therapy is now focused on helping cancer patients. This technology does not harm, and there are no known side effects. Red Light Therapy is safe and pain-free, and in fact, patients describe feeling good after a session.

Is Red Light Therapy a safe method for fat loss?

Red Light in wavelengths between 630-660nm (nanometers) can penetrate deep into the layers of the skin – energizing the fibroblast cells that produce collagen and elastin. This is how the skin repairs damage and rejuvenates its overall appearance. The visible benefits from Red Light Therapy – such as reduced wrinkles and firmer skin – may seem like just a cosmetic enhancement, but they are the result of the body healing itself. Red Light Therapy can target and treat the entire face and body. While the Red Light table may look like a tanning bed, Red Light Therapy is not dangerous because it produces a wavelength far outside of the UV range.

Red Light is often referred to as near-infrared light. Why? Because as demonstrated in a visible light chart, light between 600-750nm is near or close to infrared light. The increased strength of the SkinnyLight Red Light Therapy system allows for body contouring benefits as well.


SkinnyLight stimulates non-invasive permanent fat removal by temporarily opening the fat cells and draining the contents using the body’s natural process of lipolysis. There is no damage to tissue, no pain, no downtime, and no other negative outcomes. Since no cells are removed or destroyed, subsequent weight gain can be normally distributed throughout the body’s fat cells.

Deal Restrictions

  • Can deal voucher be used for alcohol? NO
  • Can be used at other locations? NO
  • Cash/Credit back for unused portion? NO
  • Use more than one deal voucher per visit? NO
  • Face value of deal voucher must be used at time of visit.

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Contact & Directions

Dr. Herbert A. Gessler, DC, PC
1725 Washington Road
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15241-1207
Phone: 412-835-3680

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